Today I review, link to, and embed Uterus & Adnexa Ultrasound Normal Vs Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) Images | Gynecological USG from Dr. Sam’s Imaging Library. March 19, 2024.
All that follows is from the above resource.
May 19, 2024Uterus & Adnexa Ultrasound Normal Vs Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) Images | Gynecological USG *Cases Endometritis: 0:00 Cervicitis – 5:09 Hydrosalpinx – 5:28 Pyosalpinx – 6:21 Tubo-Ovarian Abscess – 7:01 Endometritis:
- Endometrial infection/inflammation
- Causes: After childbirth
- Ultrasound appearance can be normal
- Endometrial-myometrial junction disruption
- Subserosal Hypoechoic Rim
- Heterogeneous endometrial cavity
- Increased vascularity on Doppler
- Air in the uterus: Hyperechoic dots and lines
- Dirty posterior acoustic shadowing
- Hypoechoic fluid in Cul-de-Sac
- Infection/inflammation of the cervix
- Heterogeneous enlarged cervix
- Dilated fallopian Tube
- Hypoechoic dilated fluid filled structure outside the uterus and ovary
- Internal septations or indentations in dilated fallopian tube
- Sausage shaped hypoechoic fluid filled structure
- Dilated fallopian Tube with pus
- Hypoechoic dilated fluid filled structure outside the uterus and ovary with internal echoes
- Sausage shaped hypoechoic fluid filled structure
Tubo-Ovarian Abscess:
- PID complication
- Usually bilateral
- Tenderness during transvaginal ultrasound
- Multilocular structure/multiple septations
- Internal echoes
- Thick irregular walls