Linking To And Excerpting From “Introduction to the Concept of Signal Toxicity”

Today, I link to and excerpt from Introduction to the Concept of Signal Toxicity. [PubMed Abstract] [Full-Text HTML] [Full-Text PDF]. J Toxicol Sci. 2016;41(Special):SP105-SP109. doi: 10.2131/jts.41.SP105.

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All that follows is from the above article, Introduction to the Concept of Signal Toxicity.


ABSTRACTSilent Spring by Rachel Carson (1962) established a role for environmental chemicals  in cancer and Our Stolen Future by Theo Colbone, Dianne Dumanoski and John Peterson Myers (1996) coined the concept of “Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs)” with its mechanistic plausibility for all
the living organisms. For basic biologists, seeing a non-monotonic dose-response curve was a matter of course. In contrast, for the toxicologists at that time, the dose-response curves should be monotonic. It took some time for toxicologists to accept the plausibility that animals and humans are subject to the effects of EDCs act in a way that is explained by the new paradigm of receptor-mediated toxicity or in other words “signal toxicity.” In classical toxicology, a toxic substance reaches a cellular target and induc- es malfunction. The target molecules are proteins including enzymes, lipid membranes, DNA, and other components of the cell which are damaged by the toxic substances. On the other hand, in the case of sig-
nal toxicity, a chemical binds to a specic receptor – after that, the chemical itself is not important. The signal from the receptor initiates a cascade of molecular events that leads to various changes in the cells and organs. When the signal is abnormal for a cell or an organ in terms of quality, intensity and timing,
then the signal will induce adverse effects to the target. An extreme example of signal toxicity is the 1981 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine work by Drs. Hubel and Wiesel. They blocked the signal of sharp images from the retina to the brain and found that the visual cortex needed this signal at the correct time for its proper development. In humans, such signal disruption is well known to induce “form-deprivation amblyopia” in infants. The concept of signal toxicity widens the range of systems vulnerable to EDCs and facilitates the understanding of their biological characteristics. For example, compared with intrinsic ligands, xenobiotic chemicals usually act as weak agonists and/or weak antagonists of receptor sys-
tems; the dose-response characteristics and the dose range will depend on the signaling system of concern. If the signal is used for organogenesis and functional maturation, there would be a critical period in the development during which the disturbance of such signals may cause irreversible changes. Since recepter-based signaling mechanisms are usually an amplication systems, it is hard to set a threshold in its dose response, and the outcome of signal toxicity is often stochastic at low doses. This review attempts to explain the benets of incorporating the concept of signal toxicology for widening the range of toxicology for the better protection of human and environmental health in modern civilized life, where chemicals are designed to be less toxic in terms of traditional toxicity but not yet in “signal toxicity.”
Key words:Signal toxicity, Receptor, Non-monotonous dose response, Critical period,  Irriversible effect, Omic tools
Signal toxicity
In classical toxicology, a toxic substance (chemical)
or its metabolite(s) reaches the target molecule and inter-
acts with it to induce malfunction. In order to understand
how the chemicals reach the target, Absorption, Distri-
bution, Metabolism and Excretion (ADME) were con-

sidered important. The target molecules are proteins,

including enzymes, lipid membranes, DNA, and other
components of the organs and cells. Depending on the tar-
get molecules, the nature of toxicity differs. If the target is
involved in energy production, then the effect appears as
acute toxicity. When the malfunction leads to cell degen-
eration or cell death, the outcome can be chronic.
On the other hand, in case of signal toxicity, a chem-
ical only has to bind to a receptor on the cell membrane
or inside the cell. After binding to the receptor, the chem-
ical itself does not need to move to the target site where
the key events of toxicity take place. The signal from the
receptor initiates a cascade of molecular events that leads
to various changes in the cells and organs. When the sig-
nal is abnormal for a cell or an organ in terms of intensi-
ty and timing, then the signal will induce adverse effects
to them (Fig. 1).
Nearly all receptor systems have intrinsic or natural
ligands in the body. This is the case for estrogen, andro-
gen and thyroid hormone receptors. Intrinsic ligands are
often the best binders; they show the highest af nity to
the receptor. On the other hand, many xenobiotic chem-
icals can bind to the receptors at lower af nity. In such
cases, those chemicals are assumed to act as weak ago-
nists and/or weak antagonists.

Signal transduction is normally an amplifying systemto pick up a very small change in concentration of the liand to the receptor. Therefore, essentially speaking, the dose-response characteristics of the signaling system are understood to have no threshold. The biological effect of signal disruption by a chemical that binds to a receptor can be either transient or long-lasting. Recent advance in biology provide explanations for signal-mediated long-lasting alterations in gene expression by alteration of DNA methylation and histone modication or other epigenetic modications.

Signal disruption can elicit different effects in mature,
versus developing organisms. This difference is an impor-
tant characteristic of signal toxicity. Although effects
on adults can be transient, signal toxicity in the embry-
os, fetuses, neonates and infants can be more long-
lasting or even permanent. During development and
maturation, various signals are used to coordinate org-
anogenesis and establishment of proper organ func-
tions. An extreme example of signal toxicity by sig-
nal disruption can be found in the 1981 Nobel Prize
in Physiology or Medicine work by Drs. Hubel and
Wiesel. They sutured one eyelid of a baby monkey, then
checked the vision in its adulthood; the vision of the
sutured eye was severely and irreversibly impaired. In
short, the visual cortex needed sharp images from the ret-
ina to develop properly; therefor the neuronal networks
required to comprehend the “vision” were not developed
and resulted in ipsilateral “cortical blindness .” In Hubel’s
Nobel Lecture, he says that “The design of these experi-
ments was undoubtedly inuenced by the observation that
children with congenital cataract still have substantial and
often permanent visual decits after removal of the cat-
aract and proper refraction” (
Among ophthalmologists, it is well known that an even
shorter period of disrupting sharp images from retina
results in visual impairment. This is called “form-depri-
vation amblyopia” or “occlusion amblyopia,” and can be
caused by more than 2 days of eyepatch use in a baby less
than 2 years of age. Likewise, various parts of the devel-
oping brain need proper signals at proper timing or criti-
cal periods for their normal development. Pronunciation
of a mother tongue and sense of absolute pitch are some
typical examples.
With respect to developmental toxicology, signals at
the molecular level are frequently used for brain devel-
opment. As an example, estrogen and its receptor(s) are
found in a particular series of neurons, and disruption of
the estrogenic signal by exogenous estrogens or antiestro-
gens during a critical period can leave permanent effects in brain structure and function. Acetylcholine is one of the
major neurotransmitters. During development, again, sig-
naling via neurotransmitters is used for proper formation
of the brain. Recepter agonists and antagonists at signal-
ing doses have been shown to leave irreversible function-
al changes on the developing brain when applied during
the critical period of the development of the target sys-

tems (Tanemura et al., 2009; Furukawa et al., 2016).

There are four major characteristic features of sig-
nal toxicity:
(1) The disruption of the signal does not necessari-
ly result in morphological damaging or killing of the tar-
get cell. Rather signal disruption just has to change the
function, for example altering gene expression and pro-
tein synthesis.
(2) The signaling mechanisms in the body, especially
those mediated by receptors, are usually an amplication
system. Therefore, it is difcult to set a threshold in its
dose-response characteristics. When the system is already
activated by the intrinsic ligands, the additional agonistic
or antagonistic effects elicited by signal disrupting chemi-
cals directly affects the system.
(3) The outcome of signal toxicity is often stochas-
tic in dose response. The symptoms of high-dimension-
al function, such as impairment in memory and cognitive
function, are the result of multiple stages in development
and maturation. The disturbance of signals in those stages
at lower doses would not induce weak changes in all sub-
jects; rather it would result in a low frequency of affect-
ed subjects among those exposed. Similar stochastic dose
responses can be seen in carcinogenesis studies or in radi-
ation studies (both of which are multi-stage events) where
the frequency or probability in numbers of cancerous ani-
mals increases with dose. If the gene expression proles
are altered irreversibly by the signal toxicity, it is pre-
sumed that the underlying molecular mechanism(s) are
epigenetic alterations in the genome. There are examples
of stochastic effects monitored as early onset of persistent
estrus cyclicity in female offspring exposed to estrogen in
their prenatal periods (Shirota et al. 2012; Kanno et al. in
(4) The dose range of the signal toxicity depends on the
sensitivity of the targeted receptor system. For example,
the natural ligands for the estrogen receptor system work
at low Pico molar range (~10-11M). Although bisphenol A
is 10,000 to 100,000 times less potent than 17-beta estra-
diol in transient transactivation assays (Ohta et al., 2012;
Grimaldi et al., 2015); its signaling dose is in the range of
20 to 200 micrograms/L. If orally administered bisphenol
A is absorbed 100% and distributed evenly throughout the
body uid, 20 to 200 micrograms/kg is the signaling dosefor bisphenol A. This amount of bisphenol A is much less
than the NOAEL (5 mg/kg) given by traditional toxicity
studies. On the other hand, the androgen receptor system
works at an about 1,000 times higher range of concentra-
tion than does the estrogen receptor system (Wilson et al.,
2002). Therefore, androgenic chemicals 10,000 times less
potent than intrinsic androgens are calculated to work at
the range of 20 to 200 milligrams/kg.
Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs)
The “low-dose effect” (Melnick et al., 2002) is under-
stood as an effect of a chemical observed in a dose range
lower that the NOEL or NOAEL (no observed (adverse)
effect level) given by toxicological studies conducted in
compliance with established test guidelines such as the
OECD Test Guidelines. Toxicologists had been divid-
ed in opinion as to whether or not the low-dose effect is
real. The identication of toxicity in classical studies is
more or less dependent on histopathological diagnosis as
the deterministic diagnosis. Such diagnosis is made based
on changes that are usually a reflection of cytotoxicity
at the levels of intracellular organelle. Such cytotoxici-
ty results in atrophy, degeneration, apoptosis or necrosis,
and some of those changes can be directed to cell pro-
liferation (hypertrophy, hyperplasia), and neoplasia. Inter-
stitial changes such as brosis and other kinds of deposi-
tions are also triggered.
In contrast to the overt morphological changes found
in classical toxicity studies, the low-dose effects of EDCs,
in general, are of developmental and functional in nature.
The concept of signal toxicity can explain the effects of
EDCs across a broader range. The discussion of EDCs
began with observation of estrogenic (anti-estrogenic)
and androgenic (anti-androgenic) compounds targeting
the reproductive systems. Mechanistically speaking, such
chemicals act by binding, to some extent, to estrogen
receptors or androgen receptors and aberrant signals from
these receptors initiate the events that lead to adversity.
In adults, these signaling systems have established
their own homeostatic regulation. Therefore, disturbances
by xenobiotic chemicals are well cancelled. On the other
hand, embryos and neonates have premature homeostasis.
Moreover, the receptor signals are used for the develop-
ment and maturation of various organ systems. There-
fore, once disrupted by xenobiotic chemicals at the crit-
ical period of a developing system, irreversible adversity
appears either immediately or after a certain latent peri-
od until the affected system starts to function at its full
potency (e.g., the reproductive system). From the view-
point of signal toxicity, the developing neuro-immuno-
endocrine network is a well-established target of EDCs.

Relatively recent news on “obesogens” (Janesick and

Blumberg, 2011) indicates that “signal toxicity” can be
systemic beyond the framework of the neuro-immuno-en-
docrine network.
The key to understanding the outcomes of signal tox-
icity of a chemical of concern is to identify the receptor
system(s) that the chemical can act on together with when
and where the receptor system(s) operates in the organ-
ism under development and maturation. There are neu-
rons that express estrogen receptors in the developing
brain. These neurons are sensitive to estrogenic/antiestro-
genic chemicals at a signaling dose that is lower than the
cytotoxic dose. Pesticides directed against neurotransmit-
ter receptors can directly (e.g. neonicotinoids) or indirect-
ly (e.g. acetylcholinesterase inhibitors) trigger signal tox-
icity in the developing brain, because the neurotransmitter
signals are intensively used for the development and func-
tional maturation of the brain (Shelton et al., 2014;
Kimura-Kuroda et al., 2012; Cimino et al., 2017).
It is interesting to note that aryl hydrocarbon receptor
(AhR) gene knockout mice are resistant to dioxin-mediat-
ed teratogenesis and toxicity at large. This nding clearly
shows that “if there is no receptor, there is no signal tox-
icity.” Neuronal stem cells under development are known
to change their response to differentiation inducers. In the
mouse brain, neuronal stem cells of gestational day (GD)
11.5 can be differentiated only into neurons, whereas
those of GD 14.5 can be differentiated into neurons, astro-
cytes and oligodendrocytes (Namihira et al., 2008). This
process is called “maturation” of the stem cell and it is
plausible that the neuronal stem cell at GD 11.5 and 14.5
has different sensitivity to exogenous signals brought by
neuroactive chemicals. Indeed, transplacental administra-
tion of domoic acid at GD 11.5 and 14.5 resulted in dif-
ferent neurobehavioral anomalies at the age of 11 weeks
(Tanemura et al., 2009). This experiment clearly showed
that signal toxicity is dependent on the status of the target
cells and organs.
As the signaling mechanisms involved at particular
developmental stages are shared by neuronal, immuno-
logical and endocrine systems, the target organs or sys-
tems of signal toxicity can be found in all three systems.
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