[Neonatal] Noninvasive Blood Pressure Monitoring

Today, I review and embed the video [Neonatal] Noninvasive Blood Pressure Monitoring 2021.

All that follows is from the above resource.


Useful resource materials for managing normal , at-risk and sick neonates at Level II ( secondary level hospitals ) .These are linked in website www.newbornwhocc.org & apps on smart phones -Android ( AIIMS WHO-CC STPs & AIIMS WHO CC ENBC) and on iPhone/ iPad ( SickNewborn & NewbornCare) and to online courses on MOODLE platform www.ontop-in.org ; www.prtermcare-eliminatingrop.com

Feb 11, 2022
42,335 views • Feb 11, 2022

BP recording in NICU


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