Today I visited the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) home page at On the home page you can access a tremendous amount of health information. There is more than can be summarized. In this post, I’ll go over some of the pages that I visited going from the above home page.
On the home page there is a link to the Child Development section at There is an outstanding article on this page called “Child Development: Investing in Our Children” about a study called “Legacy for Children” which is designed to help parents of young children become more effective teachers of their children. After all, parents are a child’s first teachers. Lessons learned in the study will be incorporated into Early Head Start Programs. You can download a free booklet about the Legacy study at
At the bottom of the Child Development section are links to a number of other outstanding resources including The Child Development Home page at There are an incredible number of resources on this page including a video of infant developmental milestones. On this page are also links to free resources on every aspect of child development.
Going back to the home page,, I looked at the Publications section which lists:
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report available at On this page you can access the current issue and you can sign up for a free electronic download of the weekly publication.
The Emerging Infectious Diseases Journal is available at, is published monthly and is available for free download.
The Preventing Chronic Disease Journal is available at, is published monthly and is available for free download.
The ATSDR’s toxic substances web portal has a link on the home page at This link explains what the ATSDR does: “The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry’s (ATSDR) Toxic Substances Web Portal provides comprehensive access to the best science, the latest research, and important information about how toxic substances can affect health.”
The actual toxic substances portal is located at This page is simply outstanding. This is where citizens and health professionals can go to learn about the health risks of dangerous chemicals.
The CDC website,, should be fully explored by everyone with an interest in health and medicine. The Centers for Disease Control are the guardians of America’s health. Visit today.