The following is a link to the complete pdf of the No. 289, April 2013 Joint SOGC-GOC-SCC Clinical Practice Guideline: The Role of Surgery in Endometrial Cancer. J Obstet Gynaecol Can 2013;35(4 eSuppl A):S1–S8. Please see links to other useful Canadian Guidelines on endometrial cancer after the summary. (1, 2)
What follows is the Summary Statements from the article:
(1) Epidemiology and investigations for suspected endometrial cancer, abstract. Full pdf. J Obstet Gynaecol Can. 2013 Apr;35(4):380-3. English, French. Renaud MC, Le T, Le T, Bentley J, Farrell S, Fortier MP, Giede C, Kupets R, Plante M, Power P, Renaud MC, Schepansky A, Senikas V, Kwon J, Préfontaine M, Germain I, Pearcey R, D’Souza D, Senterman M, Hoskins P; SOGC-GOC-SCC Policy and Practice Guidelines Committee.
(2) The role of adjuvant therapy in endometrial cancer, abstract. Full pdf. J Obstet Gynaecol Can. 2013 Apr;35(4):375-9. English, French. Kupets R, Le T, Le T, Bentley J, Farrell S, Fortier MP, Giede C, Kupets R, Plante M, Power P, Renaud MC, Schepansky A, Senikas V, Kwon J, Préfontaine M, Germain I, Pearcey R, D’Souza D, Senterman M, Hoskins P; SOGC-GOC-SCC Policy and Practice Guidelines Committee.