www.spottingthesickchild.com has an outstanding video module on meningitis. Registration at the site is required but is free.
And in that video module they reference a resource for meningitis at www.meningitis.org. At that site you can order or print out Handout on recognizing and treating meningococcal septicemia at the earliest moment:
for ambulance personnel at https://www.meningitis.org/health-professionals/ambulance-personnel.
for general practioners (pediatricians, family doctors, etc) at https://www.meningitis.org/health-professionals/general-practice.
front line nurses at https://www.meningitis.org/health-professionals/frontline-nurses. You can order a great wall poster at the site (if you live in England or Ireland).
hospital doctors [what we in the United States would call pediatric hospitalists] at https://www.meningitis.org/health-professionals/hospital-protocols-paediatrics. And on this page is a link to National Institute for Health and Clincal Excellence (NICE) Meningits Guideline:
Bacterial meningitis and meningococcal septicaemia: Management of bacterial meningitis and meningococcal septicaemia in children and young people younger than 16 years in primary and secondary care. NICE guidelines [CG102] Published date: June 2010.
Hospital doctors – adults at https://www.meningitis.org/health-professionals/hospital-protocols-adults. On this page is a link to the
Early Management of Suspected Bacterial Meningitis and Meningococcal Septicaemia in Immunocompetent Adults* Algorithm at https://www.meningitis.org/assets/x/51738. This is a full color pdf that could be printed out. It is outstanding!
And finally, another great online resource is Clinician’s Guide to Recognition and Early Management of Meningococcal Disease in Children: An interactive e-learning tool for doctors in training at https://ocbmedia.com/meningitis/. There are nine great interactive teaching cases. They are well worth taking the time to go over.
There is an outstanding algorithm, Early Management of Meningococcal Disease in Children* 5th ed, at The Clinician’s Guide site above at https://ocbmedia.com/meningitis/docs/Early_Poster_Child_Oct06.pdf.