See Safety of peripheral intravenous administration of vasoactive medication [PubMed Abstract] [Full Text HTML] [Full Text PDF]. J Hosp Med. 2015 Sep;10(9):581-5. doi: 10.1002/jhm.2394. Epub 2015 May 26.
Here is the abstract of the above study:
BACKGROUND: Central venous access is commonly performed
to administer vasoactive medication. The administration
of vasoactive medication via peripheral intravenous access is a potential method of reducing the need for central venous access. The aim of this study was to evaluate the safety of vasoactive medication administered through peripheral intravenous access.
METHODS: Over a 20-month period starting in September
2012, we monitored the use of vasoactive medication via
peripheral intravenous access in an 18-bed medical intensive
care unit. Norepinephrine, dopamine, and phenylephrine
were all approved for use through peripheral intravenous
RESULTS: A total of 734 patients (age 72 6 15 years,
male/female 398/336, SAPS II score 75 6 15) received
vasoactive medication via peripheral intravenous access
783 times. Vasoactive medication used was norepinephrine
(n 5 506), dopamine (n 5 101), and phenylephrine
(n 5 176). The duration of vasoactive medication via
peripheral intravenous access was 49 6 22 hours. Extravasation
of the peripheral intravenous access during
administration of vasoactive medication occurred in 19
patients (2%) without any tissue injury following treatment,
with local phentolamine injection and application of local
nitroglycerin paste. There were 95 patients (13%) receiving
vasoactive medication through peripheral intravenous
access who eventually required central intravenous
CONCLUSIONS: Administration of norepinephrine, dopamine,
or phenylephrine by peripheral intravenous access
was feasible and safe in this single-center medical intensive
care unit. Extravasation from the peripheral intravenous line
was uncommon, and phentolamine with nitroglycerin paste
were effective in preventing local ischemic injury. Clinicians
should not regard the use of vasoactive medication is an
automatic indication for central venous access. Journal of
Hospital Medicine 2015;10:581–585. VC 2015 Society of
Hospital Medicine