Category Archives: Gynecology

Linking To And Excerpting From “Comparison of O-RADS with the ADNEX model and IOTA SR for risk stratification of adnexal lesions: a systematic review and meta-analysis”

Today, I review, link to, and excerpt from Comparison of O-RADS with the ADNEX model and IOTA SR for risk stratification of adnexal lesions: a systematic review and meta-analysis [PubMed Abstract] [Full-Text HTML] [Full-Text PDF]. Jing Han, 1 Jing Wen, … Continue reading

Posted in Gynecology, Ovarian Cancer, Ovarian Pathology, Ovarian-Adnexal Reporting & Data System (O-RADS™) | Comments Off on Linking To And Excerpting From “Comparison of O-RADS with the ADNEX model and IOTA SR for risk stratification of adnexal lesions: a systematic review and meta-analysis”