Category Archives: Nausea and Vomitting Therapy

Links To “Guidelines for the use of drugs in symptom control” From West Midlands Palliative Care

Today, I review and link to Guidelines for the use of drugs in symptom control from West Midlands Palliative Care. All that follows is from the above resource. These guidelines are a summary of the current practice of specialists working in … Continue reading

Posted in Breathlessness, Constipation, Constipation Therapy, Death and Dying, Hospice Care, Intestinal Obstruction, Nausea and Vomitting, Nausea and Vomitting Therapy, Palliative Care, Symptom Management, Symptoms, West Midlands Palliative Care | Comments Off on Links To “Guidelines for the use of drugs in symptom control” From West Midlands Palliative Care