NICE issued the Chronic Heart Failure Quality Standard PDF in June of 2011. The HTML version is here.
The NICE Chronic Heart Failure Pathway has four paths: Chronic Heart Failure Overview, Chronic Heart Failure Diagnosis, Chronic Heart Failure Treatment Monitoring, Treatment for Heart Failure Due to Left Ventricular Systolic Dysfunction.
Three brief excellent chronic heart failure guidelines are linked today. These were all found through the National Guideline Clearinghouse.
The 2010 NICE Chronic Heart Failure Quick Reference Guide is no longer current and is not available on the NICE site as far as I could tell. The link is to the PDF from Pennine GP Training Site (accessed 7-30-2014).
The NICE 2010 Chronic Heart Failure: Clinical Case Scenarios for Primary Care is available on the NICE site.
These two resources were originally found by going to the Guideline resources page of the National Guideline Clearinghouse available at and then clicking on the link Complementary Web Sites which takes you to a list of other websites that have guidelines or related information.
In the list is the site for The National Institute for Health and Clinical Evidence (NICE) which provides guidelines and best practices for English physicians available at When I typed chronic heart failure into the search box, I was taken to the results which showed 143 results for chornic heart failure. The two short guides above were on the NICE site.
The NICE Appendix D-Practical Notes of the Chronic Heart Failure Guideline is a short three pages but details how to monitor potassium and renal function in patients with heart failure. Appendix D is still available on the NICE site (accessed 7-30-2014) but it is from 2010 and the most recent NICE Heart Failure Guidelines (above) are from 2011. For American readers the units are not what we commonly use but they can easily be converted to our units.
NICE also has a number of excellent online education tools available at Each topic is relevant to primary care and each module takes about an hour.