The National Guideline Clearinghouse has an excellent section called Guideline Synthesis available at
“Syntheses are systematic comparisons of selected guidelines that address similar topic areas. Key elements of each synthesis include a discussion of areas of agreement and difference, the major recommendations and the corresponding strength of evidence and recommendation rating schemes, and a comparison of guideline methodologies. Also presented are the source(s) of funding, the benefits/harms of implementing the guideline recommendations, and any associated contraindications.”
These syntheses consider guidelines issued by different organization on the same topic. For example there is a Guideline Synthesis on “Diagnosis and Management of Celiac Disease”. The synthesis is available at
Four groups have issued guidelines on celiac disease. The synthesis reviews the areas of agreement and difference, comparison of recommendations, strength of evidence and recommendation grading schemes, benefits and harms, and other areas.
There are over forty Guideline Sytheses covering many common important topics. Examples include sntheses on Alzheimer’s Disease, Cancer Screening, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Chronic Heart Failure, and Induction of Labor.
Go to the Guideline Synthesis page now at I think you’ll find a medical issue that interests you. And you’ll be able to offer clearer advice if you are a physician. If you are a patient you will be better able to make medical decision.