You can make a t-shirt mockup in Inkscape or GIMP but GIMP is better for the purpose. So here are some YouTube videos to learn from.
ULTIMATE T-shirt Mockup Guide (13:32) DavidWoodFX Published on Apr 29, 2014.
Link to shirt templates on:…While this video focuses on a mockup with Gimp the same steps can be applied to Photoshop, Paint.NET, or any other graphic design software that supports layers and blend modes.
- We’re going to show you how to create a t-shirt mockup design in GIMP.
- First we need to talk about what your design is going to need to be printed on a shirt.
- One of the limitations of GIMP is that it does not yet support CMY color but most online printers can work around that. And your print shirt will work just fine.
- Also you need your design to be in the highest quality possible.
- So you’ll import your png image into GIMP.
- Then go to the Image menu and choose (click on) Image Properties. And the image properties box will show you:
- Size in Pixels
- Print size
- Resolution
- Color Space
- File Name
- File Size
- File Type
- Size in Memory
- Undo steps
- Redo steps
- Number of pixels
- Number of layers
- Number of channels
- Number of paths
- So we’ll go through each of these image properties.
- The first two are size in pixels and print size. And if we take ruler from armpit to armpit we’ll see that it is about 12 inches.
- So we’ll want the width to be less than that. Actually less than 11 inches and maybe less than 10 for womens t-shirts.
- And next is resolution which is dots per inch or points per inch (ppi). The dots per inch or points per inch in a printer is how close together the points are in a square inch.
- So for printing you want the ppi to be as high as possible so that you get the best quality.
- If your work is not going to be printed then you don’t have to worry about this and can leave it at the default of 72.
- When it comes to printing, you want to have a minimum of 300 ppi. You don’t want anything less than that.
- The first two are size in pixels and print size. And if we take ruler from armpit to armpit we’ll see that it is about 12 inches.
Start video at 3:02