There are several ways to backup your database. See Backing Up Your Database from the WordPress Codex:
NOTE: Below steps backup core WordPress database that include all your posts, pages and comments, but DO NOT backup the files and folders such as images, theme files on the server. For whole WordPress site backup, refer WordPress Backups.
Backup using cPanel X
cPanel is a popular control panel used by many web hosts. The backup feature can be used to backup your MySQL database. Do not generate a full backup, as these are strictly for archival purposes and cannot be restored via cPanel. Look for ‘Download a MySQL Database Backup’ and click the name of the database. A *.gz file will be downloaded to your local drive.
There is no need to unzip this file to restore it. Using the same cPanel program, browse to the gz file and upload it. Once the upload is complete, the bottom of the browser will indicate dump complete. If you are uploading to a new host, you will need to recreate the database user along with the matching password. If you change the password, make the corresponding change in the wp-config.php file.
Backup Using phpMyAdmin
phpMyAdmin is the name of the program used to manipulate your database.
Information below has been tried and tested using phpMyAdmin version 4.4.13 connects to MySQL version 5.6.28 running on Linux.
See Backing Up Your Database from the WordPress Codex for details on using phpMyAdmin to backup your database.
Note that phpMyAdmin cannot handle large databases. So you should
Backing Up Your Database « WordPress Codex (Using SSH0.
Here are more resources for this:
- Establish an SSH Connection from a PC
- Common SSH Commands
- Change File Permissions via SSH
- Manually Install WordPress via SSH
- Import a MySQL Database Using SSH
- Backup a MySQL Database Using SSH