How To Perform Ultrasound Scan for Appendicitis from Sonoworld

We all know that we should (at least try to) do an ultrasound scan for appendicitis in children prior to ordering a CT scan. But what if you or your tech or your radiologist does not know how to do a pediatric ultrasound scan. Here is the resource you need:

See the outstanding four part lecture series called Sonography of the Appendix beginning at Each segment is about 10 minutes long and worth reviewing several times. Free registration is required to access the video lectures.

These lectures are from a wonderful site which provides free ultrasound training:

See also the following resource articles:

Ultrasound imaging of bowel pathology: technique and keys to diagnosis in the acute abdomen. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2011 Dec;197(6):W1067-75. doi: 10.2214/AJR.11.6594. AbstractFull textFull text pdf.

Ultrasonography in suspected acute appendicitis in childhood-report of 1285 cases. Eur J Ultrasound. 1998 Dec;8(3):177-82. Abstract. Full text pdf.

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