After reading the NY Times article below, I was led to wonder: Is healthcare giant the Wells Fargo Of Healthcare?
In this post I link to an outstanding New York Times investigative report on the healthcare giant, CVS. The report is titled How Chaos at Chain Pharmacies Is Putting Patients at Risk, By Ellen Gabler. Jan. 31, 2020:
Pharmacists across the U.S. warn that the push to do more with less has made medication errors more likely. “I am a danger to the public,” one wrote to a regulator.
Here is a link to a Reuters report on CVS Health Corp. This link also contains links to a number of news articles about CVS over the last year. Some of the articles are about CVS conduct that is appears quite concerning. You should review the concerning articles by clicking ont the above link.
And Healthcare systems (hospitals, etc) and physician groups will soon face daunting competition in their sectors from CVS: CVS to expand health hubs to 1,500 stores by end of 2021, BUSINESS NEWS , JUNE 4, 2019:
CVS Health Corp said it would offer expanded health services such as nutrition counseling and blood pressure screenings in 1,500 stores by the end of 2021, following through on plans announced during the pharmacy chain’s 2018 acquisition of health insurer Aetna.
And CVS is entering the renal dialysis market, CVS enters home dialysis care with clinical trial of new system, HEALTH NEWS, JULY 17, 2019.