Today, I reviewed, link to and embed the Pedscases YouTube video, Puberty and Pubertal Disorders – Part 1: Normal Puberty.
All that follows is from the above outstanding resource.
Puberty and Pubertal Disorders – Part 1: Normal Puberty
This video explores the physiology and clinical presentations of normal puberty. This is the first episode of a three-part series on puberty and pubertal disorders developed by Ruojin Bu, a medical student at the University of Alberta, and Dr. Elizabeth Rosolowsky, a pediatric endocrinologist at the University of Alberta.
Related Content:
Video: Puberty and Pubertal Disorders – Part 2: Precocious Puberty
Video: Puberty and Pubertal Disorders – Part 3: Delayed PubertyThis video explores the physiology and clinical presentations of normal puberty. This is the first episode of a three-part series on puberty and pubertal disorders developed by Ruojin Bu, a medical student at the University of Alberta, and Dr. Elizabeth Rosolowsky, a pediatric endocrinologist at the University of Alberta. You can find this episode, the script and more great resources at