Today, I reviewed, linked to, and embedded PedsCases‘ Puberty and Pubertal Disorders – Part 3: Delayed Puberty.
All that follows is from the above resource.
Puberty and Pubertal Disorders – Part 3: Delayed Puberty
This video is the final video of a three-part series on puberty and pubertal disorders. This episode covers the topic of delayed puberty including the clinical criteria for diagnosing and an approach for the common causes of delayed puberty. This video was developed by Ruojin Bu, a medical student at the University of Alberta, and Dr. Elizabeth Rosolowsky, a pediatric endocrinologist at the University of Alberta.
Related Content:
- Video: Puberty and Pubertal Disorders – Part 2: Precocious Puberty
- Video: Puberty and Pubertal Disorders – Part 1: Normal Puberty
9,261 views Apr 16, 2018