Links To And Excerpts From “A Clinical Guide for Assessment and Prescription of Exercise and Physical Activity in Cardiac Rehabilitation. A CSANZ Position Statement”

Today, I review, link to, and excerpt from A Clinical Guide for Assessment and Prescription of Exercise and Physical Activity in Cardiac Rehabilitation. A CSANZ Position Statement. [PubMed Abstract] [Full-Text HTML] [Full-Text PDF]. Heart, Lung and Circulation. Volume 32, Issue 9, September 2023, Pages 1035-1048.

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Patients with cardiovascular disease benefit from cardiac rehabilitation, which includes structured exercise and physical activity as core components. This position statement provides pragmatic, evidence-based guidance for the assessment and prescription of exercise and physical activity for cardiac rehabilitation clinicians, recognising the latest international guidelines, scientific evidence and the increasing use of technology and virtual delivery methods. The patient-centred assessment and prescription of aerobic exercise, resistance exercise and physical activity have been addressed, including progression and safety considerations.

Keywords: Cardiac rehabilitation; Cardiovascular disease; Coronary disease; Exercise assessment; Exercise prescription; Physical activity; Position statement; Secondary prevention.

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