In addition to today’s resource, please review PedsCases Note [Infographic]: “Acute Abdominal Pain” With Links To Additional Resources
Posted on August 27, 2023 by Tom Wade MD
Today, I reviewed, and linked to the Pedscases podcast’ Acute Abdominal Pain.
All that follows is from the above resource.
Acute Abdominal Pain
This episode covers an approach to children with acute abdominal pain. The podcast covers an approach to history, an approach to physical examination, discusses investigations and lists indications for a surgical consult. This episode was written by Peter MacPherson and Dr. Melanie Lewis. Peter is a medical student at the University of Alberta.
Related Content:
- Case: Acute Abdominal Pain in a 14 year old female
- Case: Abdominal Pain in a 4 month old female
- Case: Abdominal Pain in a 8 year old
- Podcast: Urologic Emergencies
- Podcast: Approach to Intussusception
Specialty Area:Clinical Presentation: