Links To Preventing Pediatric Injuries From Pediatric EM Morsels

Dr. Fox reminds us that We are all keenly aware that accidental injuries are the most significant cause of childhood mortality. [emphasis added]

In this post I link to [after having reviewed] posts on preventing pediatric injuries from Dr. Sean Fox of Pediatric EM Morsels.

Injury Prevention, DECEMBER 6, 2013 · UPDATED DECEMBER 5, 2013. Here is Dr. Fox’s introduction to this post:

I have two beautiful children (yes, they look like their mother) and I will be the first to tell you that they are more apt to listen to anyone other then their parents.  I am not sure where this phenomena stems from, but it does seem to be universal.  My wife and I often coerce our children to behave by threatening to tell their teachers about their behavior.  I guess it is true that it really does take a village to raise a child.

Fortunately, while my kids might not listen to my advice, it seems that the words that I say to my pediatric patients often have profound impact (ok, at least in my mind).  Unquestionably, our ability to influence and educate our patients and their families should not be underestimated.  This is particularly true when it comes to Injury Prevention.

We have discussed previously the significant impact of Unintentional Injury.  Use your powers of suggestion, persuasion, and education to augment the community’s Injury Prevention efforts.

So now go to Dr. Fox’s post on Injury Prevention and review it.

Childhood Injury – Still the leading cause of Mortality! PUBLISHED APRIL 20, 2012 · UPDATED DECEMBER 5, 2013. Here is the introduction to Dr. Fox’s post:

We are all keenly aware that accidental injuries are the most significant cause of childhood mortality. It is this fact that keeps us all busy in our clinical settings… and is also what frightens us parents of children the most. {Seriously, how many times do I have to tell my neighbors that Trampolines are not safe?!} The CDC just published the newest edition of their “Vital Signs*,” looking at data from 2009. Below are some of the highlights (for those international PedEM Morsel readers, these statistics are not specifically representative of your area, but the ideas are likely similar).

*Link is to the home page of CDC Vital Signs. Here is more information from the site:

The CDC Vital Signs monthly report was launched in 2010. It includes an MMWR Early Release, a graphic fact sheet and website, a media release, and social media tools. Most of the materials are available in English and Spanish.

Vital Signs reports cover an important health threat and what can be done to drive down the disease. Past topics have included cancer screening, alcohol and tobacco use, HIV testing, motor vehicle safety, cardiovascular disease, healthcare-associated infections, and foodborne disease.

Please sign up to get Vital Signs through email each month at Vital Signs. Feel free to share CDC Vital Signs information broadly with your partners. Take advantage of CDC’s social media tools, such as the CDC Vital Signs buttons and email updates. You can have CDC Vital Signs reports sent directly to your own website to display through our content syndication service.

So now go to Dr. Fox’s post on Childhood Injury and review it.

Airbag Injury and Children PUBLISHED JANUARY 18, 2019 · UPDATED JANUARY 17, 2019. Here is the introduction to Dr. Fox’s post:

Motor vehicle crashes injure and kill many people each year and children are particularly at risk. While evaluating traumatized children leads us to considering many potential severe injuries (ex, Major Brain InjuryCervical Spine InjuryPneumothoraxAortic InjuryAbdominal Injury), wouldn’t it be best to avoid the injury in the first placeInjury Prevention should be apart of our repertoire (and it gives me a great reason to yell at strangers on the highway). Airbags have been successfully used to prevent and reduce injury in adults… but, in fact can actually cause injury in children. Let us take a moment to review Airbag Injury in Children:

So now go to Dr. Fox’s post Airbag Injuries And Children and review it.

Trampoline Injuries PUBLISHED JULY 21, 2017 · UPDATED JULY 20, 2017. Here is the introduction to Dr. Fox’s post:

Life is full of dangers, everywhere we go, and the house is certainly not a complete sanctuary. In fact, the home can be quite hazardous (ex, Detergent Pods, Liquid Nicotine, Electricity, Firearms, and Lawn Mowers). While some of these items are obviously dangerous and should be avoided, there are other items that are meant to be fun, like the pool, that can turn out to be common sources of pain and suffering. One such item (and my all time least favorite neighborhood “toy”) is the trampoline. Let’s take a minute to review Trampoline Injuries:

So now go to Dr. Fox’s post on Trampoline Injuries and review it.

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