Today, I reviewed and embedded “Lung ultrasound for the intensivist: diagnosis and management” from Butterfly Network. 1:01:33
This is an outstanding webinar. The first 7 minutes are housekeeping. The teaching starts at 7:40.
To review the transcript, watch the video on YouTube where you can easily follow along with the transcript.
Case 1: Fluid Overload in a dialysis patient. 7:40 – 22:00
What we learn. Review this part of the transcript.
Case 2: Severe Hypoxemia. 22:04 – 25:18
What we learn. Review this part of the transcript.
Case 3: Fever and Hypotension in an immunocompromised patient. 25:25 – 40:30
What we learn. Review this part of the transcript.
Case 4: Something is not right. 40:36 – 56:01
What we learn.
Oct 19, 2023
A case-based talk.