The Home Page for the Essential Emergency Airway Care Course (EEACC) at The Sharp End site contains links to each of the modules and those module links also contain the show notes and the references.
I only made this slide list so that I could quickly review EEACC #6 – Video Laryngoscopy.(This is the direct link to this video on Vimeo –You need to watch the video more than once).
And be sure to watch all the videos and read all the references in Dr. Brainard’s References for this video (they really are a part of the course). Click here to go to the clickable references.
Avoid task fixation, Dr. Brainnard warns. Not everyone should be staring at the video screen. Some team members need to be planning ahead for the next step:
So now we come to the Airway Briefing and Checklist, which is awesome, and worth watching as Dr. Brainard runs through it from 9:00 to 10:41. He runs through the Airway Briefing and Checklist in a number of the modules and each is worth watching to fix this in your mind:
The Brief References at the end of the module on Vimeo say “Brief Video Laryngoscopy Resources” but actually list the resources for the Laryngeal Mask Airway module.
So here is the link to Dr. Brainard’s web page on EEACC # 6 and on the page he has all the reference material and all are already clickable: website. I have gone ahead and listed those references below for convenience:
Clickable References (all from Dr. Brainard’s show notes above):
Direct vs. Video Laryngoscopy in 10 Minutes by Dr. Reuben Strayer of EM Updates
Four Secrets to video laryngoscopy by Dr. Rich Levitan
Glidescope, 4-step technique, YouTube video from the manufacturer
The complexities of tracheal intubation with direct laryngoscopy and alternative intubation devices. [PubMed Abstract] Levitan RM1, Heitz JW, Sweeney M, Cooper RM. Ann Emerg Med. 2011 Mar;57(3):240-7.
The above article is not open access.
Introduction to Video Laryngoscopy from Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center.
Introduction to the Storz/C-MAC Video Laryngoscope from Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center.
Introduction to the GlideScope from Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center.
Learning from failed intubations – a study of 3 videos by Dr. Minh Le Cong of the PHARM – Prehospital and Retrieval Medicine blog and podcast.