This post is simply a link to the outstanding EMCrit post, EMCrit 258 – Should Andexxa be added to a Hospital’s Formulary? [Link is to the show notes, podcast, and listener comments] October 26, 2019 by Dr. Scott Weingart:
The question of the use of Andexxa, a reversal agent for Factor Xa Inhibitors,* has been batting around my brain for a few months now.
*Here is a list of Xa Inhibitors from
We are in the unfortunate position of having a drug with very questionable evidentiary support but with an FDA labelled indication. I received an email from the lead author of paper just published in Neurocritical Care.
- Peled et al. Key Points to Consider When Evaluating Andexxa for Formulary Addition. Neurocrit Care 10.1007/s12028-019-00866-6
Dr. Harry Peled is the medical director of Cardiology and Critical Care at St Jude Medical Center in California. Relevantly, he is also chair of the Pharmacy an Therapeutics Committee.
I would love to hear your thoughts on this issue–place them in the comments below.
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