“Acute Asthma Exacerbation” From PedsCases Notes (Infographics) With Two Additional Resources

After the Infographic for Acute Asthma below, I link to and reproduce the BC Children’s Hospital PRAM (Pediatric Respiratory Assessment Measure) Score Assessment for Asthma [Link is to the PDF].

And because assessment of the scalene retractions* is an important part of the PRAM Score, the last additional resource I include is a YouTube video demonstrating the location of the scalene muscles in an adult [still useful, I think].

*Scalene retractions are not visible and must be palpated.

In this post I link to and reproduce the PedsCases Notes (Infographics) for Acute Asthma Exacerbation [Link is to the printable PDF], by Katharine V. Jensen, Alexander Perry (Medical Students 2021 University of Alberta) and Dr. Melaney Lewis (Pediatrician and Professor of Pediatrics, University of Alberta  Jul 09, 2020:

This PedsCases Note provides a one-page infographic on managing acute asthma exacerbations. It reviews PRAM scoring and gives an overview of a management algorithm that can easily be used on the wards. This note was created by Katharine Jensen and Alexander Perry, medical students at the University of Alberta, with help from Dr. Melanie Lewis, a pediatrician at the University of Alberta.

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And here I link to and reproduce the BC Children’s Hospital PRAM (Pediatric Respiratory Assessment Measure) Score Assessment for Asthma [Link is to the PDF].

And here is the YouTube video demonstrating how to palpate the scalene muscles.

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