An Approach To Hyperthermia By Dr. Streyer From EMC’s Quick Hits 24

Dr. Reuben Streyer blogs in his outstanding Emergency Medicine Updates. Be sure and visit his EM Cards*.

*Link is to the table of contents of his EM Cards which contains direct links to 1412 brief EM topic reviews – outstanding.

In this post I excerpt from Dr. Reuben Streyer’s An Approach To Hyperthermia from EM Quick Hits 24* [Link is to podcast and show notes]. Dr. Streyer’s lecture is from 13:22 – 20:26.

*Helman, A. Swaminathan, A. Austin, E. Strayer, R. Long, B, McLaren, J. Brindley, P. EM Quick Hits 24 – Lateral Canthotomy, Cannabis Poisoning, Hyperthermia, Malignant Otitis Externa, BBB in Occlusion MI, Prone CPR. Emergency Medicine Cases. December, 2020. Accessed December 10, 2020.

Here are is the graphic from Dr. Streyer’s talk:

And here is a PDF of the graphic from Dr. Streyer’s original post that you can print out [It is much clearer than the image below].

Infographic on hyperthermia


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