Bilateral Pediatric Calf Pain – “Benign Acute Childhood Myositis” Or “Rhabdomyolysis”? – Help From Dr. Fox

I just reviewed Benign Acute Childhood Myositis , BY Dr. SEAN FOX · DECEMBER 8, 2017 of Pediatric EM Morsels. I am listing it in my blog to have access to it through my blog’s search function.

Just go ahead and review the brief excellent post – link above. Dr. Fox states in the post that symptoms can include symmetrical bilateral calf pain, a tip-toe gate, or refusal to walk [and in the post, Dr. Fox includes the differential diagnosis of refusal to walk].

In the above post, Dr. Fox reminds us to consider Rhabdomyolysis [go now and review his post on this subject, also].

What follows is from Dr. Fox’s Rhabdomyolysis post [But still, Go Review The Complete Post]:

Rhabdomyolysis Diagnosis

  • Urine dip with +heme but no or few RBCs is concerning for it.
    • Myoglobinuria does not have to be present for the diagnosis however.
    • Myoglobin is eliminated more rapidly than Creatine Kinase (CK).
  • CK levels > 1,000 U/L is often considered diagnostic.
  • Lower levels of CK are termed myositis.
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