*Subscribe to the New York Times (This is not an affiliate link. I just think everyone should consider subscribing. The article below is deeply moving.)
Today, I reviewed and link to another outstanding New York Times* article, Dr. Bob, 75, Knows Aging’s Toll. He Wonders if Biden and Trump Do.
Dr. Bob Ross cares for the aging residents of Ortonville, Minn, even as he wonders whether he, and the presidential candidates, are up to all their tasks.
He had become the local expert on what he called the “unwanted side effects of old age,” so Dr. Bob Ross, 75, rubbed arthritis cream onto his hands and walked into an exam room to see his seventh elderly patient of the day. He had been a doctor in the remote town of Ortonville, Minn., for nearly five decades, caring for most of its 2,000 residents as he aged alongside them. He delivered their children, performed their high school physicals, tended to their workplace injuries and now specialized in treating the wide-ranging symptoms of what it meant to grow old in America.