Illness Script From The Clinical Problem Solvers: IgG4 Disease With An Additional Resource

IgG-4 Related Disease: An Introduction [PubMed Abstract] [Full-TextHTML] [Full-Text PDF]. Mo Med. May-Jun 2018;115(3):253-256:


IgG4-related disease (IgG-RD) describes a group of fibroinflammatory diseases that affect a variety of tissues resulting in tumor-like effect and/or organ dysfunction. Clinical presentation varies according to the tissue(s) involved, and diagnosis relies on tissue findings of dense infiltration of IgG4-positive plasma cells and a characteristic storiform fibrosis. Treatment is mainly with glucocorticoids, while multiple immunosuppressive medications can be used as adjuvant agents. Rituximab has showed promising results, but further studies are needed.

In this post, I link to and embed the Illness Script from the Clinical Problem Solvers, IgG4 Diseases.


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