Today, I review, link to, and excerpt from Cognitive Screening Tests Versus Comprehensive Neuropsychological Test Batteries: A National Academy of Neuropsychology Education Paper†. [PubMed Abstract] [Full-Text HTML] [Full-Text PDF]. Arch Clin Neuropsychol. 2017 Jun 1;32(4):491-498. doi: 10.1093/arclin/acx021. Tresa M Roebuck-Spencer 1, Tannahill Glen 2, Antonio E Puente 3, Robert L Denney 4, Ronald M Ruff 5, Gayle Hostetter 6, Kevin J Bianchini 1
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The American Medical Association Current Procedural Panel developed a new billing code making behavioral health screening a reimbursable healthcare service. The use of computerized testing as a means for cognitive screening and brief cognitive testing is increasing at a rapid rate. The purpose of this education paper is to provide information to clinicians, healthcare administrators, and policy developers about the purpose, strengths, and limitations of cognitive screening tests versus comprehensive neuropsychological evaluations. Screening tests are generally brief and narrow in scope, they can be administered during a routine clinical visit, and they can be helpful for identifying individuals in need of more comprehensive assessment. Some screening tests can also be helpful for monitoring treatment outcomes. Comprehensive neuropsychological assessments are multidimensional in nature and used for purposes such as identifying primary and secondary diagnoses, determining the nature and severity of a person’s cognitive difficulties, determining functional limitations, and planning treatment and rehabilitation. Cognitive screening tests are expected to play an increasingly important role in identifying individuals with cognitive impairment and in determining which individuals should be referred for further neuropsychological assessment. However, limitations of existing cognitive screening tests are present and cognitive screening tests should not be used as a replacement for comprehensive neuropsychological testing.
Keywords: Assessment; Childhood neurologic disorders; Elderly/Geriatrics/Aging; Mild cognitive impairment; Professional issues.
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