Newborn Order Sets and Resources

10-3-3019: This post is out of date as links are no longer functional. 

The NBN newborn order set pdfs are available at tp://

Nurse Protocol for Normal Newborn Admission to Birth Center, University of Michigan, are available as a pdf at . The following are protocol orders incorporated into the order set:


14.Follow hypoglycemia protocol, observe for s/s of hypoglycemia. Implement protocol as indicated.

15.Follow sepsis workup/algorithm as indicated.

16.For the jaundiced infant, notify the physician and

a. Send requisition to test cord blood for “Jaundiced Infant Studies” if infant becomes

jaundiced at <24 hours of age.

b. Obtain first serum bilirubin for visible jaundice at <24 hours of age.

17.Notify the physician of any suspicious eye drainage.

18.Notify the physician of infants with suspected substance exposure. Nurse Protocol – Newborn Admission, July 2009

a. Obtain urine and meconium toxicology screen                                                                         b. Initiate Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome screening using Lipsitz scale for at-risk infants within 4 hours of birth. Notify MD of score ≥ 4.

19. Initiate Neonatal Resuscitation Program guidelines for signs of respiratory distress or cyanosis. Notify the physician and respiratory therapy. Initiate free-flow oxygen at 5 liters/minute.

Nursing staff may initiate these orders in UM-Carelink without a new order from the physician. This will be documented as a “protocol order”.

Newborn Standing Orders from Banner Health at

Hyperbilirubinemia Pathway from Children’s Hospital of Central California at

Newborn Respiratory Distress Order Set at

Sepsis Order Set/Clinical Pathway from Sutter Health at

Univ of Michigan newborn hypoglycemia guidelines at

An oustanding review resource for late preterm births is the Late Preterm Infant Initiative from Peninsula Regional Medical Center Women’s and Children’s Services

The Oklahoma Late Preterm Infant Alliance Toolkit is outstanding and is available as a downloadable pdf at and is also available in this folder.

University of Michigan Obstetrics and Gynecology Care Guidelines are available at

An Australian guideline Management of Neonatology Respiratory Distress Incorporating the Administration of Continuous Positive Pressure Ventilation at 2010.

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