Reviewing “Thoracic Oncology” From The University Of Michigan – Week 3

Today I will be posting the syllabus of Week 3 of  the Thoracic Oncology Course [Link is to the complete course syllabus] from The University Of Michigan via Coursera.

As I review each week’s syllabus, I’ll post that week’s syllabus.

Week 3 videos discuss Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: Staging

Here are the learning objectives for Week 3:

Learning Objectives

  • Define the primary tumor (T), regional lymph node (N), and distant metastasis (M) stages in the TNM staging classification
  • Define the regional lymph node stations in the IASLC classification system
  • Recognize imaging features that indicate T stage and resectability status
  • Recognize imaging features that indicate N and M stages
  • Identify diagnostic performance of CT and FDG-PET in nodal staging
  • Identify various methods of lymph node sampling and indications for their use, as well as drawbacks

Here is the syllabus for Week 3:

Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: Staging

After reviewing this unit, the learner will understand basic principles regarding:

9 videos (Total 108 min) 2 hours to complete

Regional Lymph Node Staging Classification 14m
Regional Lymph Node (N) and Distant Metastasis (M) Staging With CT Imaging 9m
FDG-PET Imaging of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: Thoracic Lymph Nodes 14m
FDG-PET Imaging of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: Metastatic Lesions 12m
Image Directed Tissue Sampling For Lymph Node Staging in
Lung Cancer, Part 1: Surgical Techniques 12m
Image Directed Tissue Sampling For Lymph Node Staging in Lung Cancer, Part 2: Medical Techniques 17m
Image Directed Tissue Sampling For Lymph Node Staging in Lung Cancer, Part 3: Image Guided Techniques 7m
Image Directed Tissue Sampling For Lymph Node Staging in Lung Cancer, Part 4: Putting It All Together 5m
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