Treatment of Choking from Basic Life Support For Healthcare Professionals

Everything that follows in this post is from the BLS Notes Pages of the Texas Onsite CPR site [except for information I have added which will be in brackets].


Adult Conscious Choking

  • Are you choking?
  • Can you speak?
  • Can I HELP you?
  • Provide inward and upward Abdominal Thrusts, just above the navel.

Adult Unconscious Choking: (NO BLIND FINGER SWEEPS)

  • Call 911
  • Open the airway remove the object if you see it, then begin CPR (30 compressions to 2
  • breaths)
  • Every time you open the airway to give breaths look for the object
  • Then continue CPR (30 to 2)

Choking – Child Conscious Choking:

  • Are you choking?
  • Can you speak?
  • Can I HELP you? (ask the parent if you can help their child)
  • Provide inward and upward abdominal thrust, just above the navel to relive the obstruction.

Child Unconscious Choking: NO BLIND FINGER SWEEPS 

  • Call for help, send bystander to call 911 or activate EMS
  • Open the airway, remove the object if you see it, then begin CPR, with a ratio of 30 compressions to 2 breaths.
  • Every time you open the airway to give breaths look for the object.
  • Then continue CPR with a ratio of 30 compressions to 2 breaths.
  • If no one came to call 911 or activate EMS, you call after 2 minutes of CPR

Infant Conscious Choking:

  • Look for choking signs, like bluish skin, lips or nose, high-pitched noise
  • Pick up the infant and give 5 back blows between the shoulder blades, with the head supported and with the head lower then the infant’s bottom
  • Then flip the infant and provide 5 chest thrusts just below the nipple line, keeping the head lower that the infant’s bottom
  • Repeat until infants able to cry or becomes unconscious

Infant Unconscious Choking: NO BLIND FINGER SWEEPS 

  • Call for help, send bystander to call 911 or activate EMS
  • Open the airway, remove the object if you see, begin CPR at a ratio of 30 to 2
  • Every time you open the airway to give breaths look for the object
  • Then continue CPR at a ratio of 30 to 2
  • If no one came to call 911 or activate EMS, you call after 2 minutes or 5 cycles of CPR
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