Links To EM Quick Hits 4 Acetaminophen Overdose & Warfarin Interaction, Dental Infections, MTP RABT Score, Statins for STEMI, Cricothyrotomy Tips

In this post, I link to EM Quick Hits 4 Acetaminophen Overdose & Warfarin Interaction, Dental Infections, MTP RABT Score, Statins for STEMI, Cricothyrotomy Tips.*

*Helman, A. Juurlink, D. Rosenberg, H. Austin, E. Petrosoniak, A. Yaphe J. Kovacs, G. EM Quick Hits 4 – Acetaminophen and Warfarin Interaction, Dental Infections, MTP Prediction in Trauma, Massive Acetaminophen Overdose, Statins in STEMI, Cricothyrotomy Tips. Emergency Medicine Cases. May, 2019. Accessed 10-6-2021.

Topics in this EM Quick Hits podcast

David Juurlink on acetaminophen and warfarin drug interaction (00:32)

Hans Rosenberg on management of dental infections (08:03)

Emily Austin on dialysis in massive acetaminophen overdose (14:46)

Andrew Petrosoniak MTP decisions and the RABT score in trauma (20:05)

Joel Yaphe on statins for STEMI from Whistler’s Update in EM Conference (26:49)

George Kovacs on how to maximize success of a cricothyrotomy from EM Cases Course 2019 (31:25)

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