What follows are some of the many outstanding videos on pediatric respiratory problems from Open Pediatrics. Open Pediatrics resources are available to everyone after free registration. All of the videos have a transcript available on the video window’s page.
See also Resources at the end of this post for the an article from Chest, Noninvasive Ventilation for Critical Care, and a YouTube Video on Bi-PAP, Bi-Pap Training.
Non-invasive Ventilation: Key Concepts [Video], Robert Graham, MD
Chapter 1: Introduction: 1:48
Chapter 2: Basic Concepts: 4:27
Chapter 3: Indications: 10:47
Chapter 4: Contraindications: 5:13
Non-invasive Ventilation: Key Concepts, [Downloadable Text], Robert Graham, MD
Non-Invasive Ventilation: Practical Issues, [Video], Robert Graham, MD
Chapter 1: Introduction: 1:54
Chapter 2: Clinical Scenarios: 3:25
Chapter 3: Advantages: 2:42
Chapter 4: Technical Considerations: 3:21
Non-invasive Ventilation: Complications, [Video], Robert Graham, MD
Chapter 1: Complications: 8:40
Non-invasive Ventilation: Complications, [Downloadable Text]
Robert Graham, MD
Noninvasive Ventilation for Critical Care [Full Text HTML] [Full Text PDF]. Erik Garpestad, MD, FCCP; John Brennan, MD; Nicholas S. Hill, MD, FCCP. Chest. 2007;132(2):711-720. doi:10.1378/chest.06-2643.
BiPAP Training, 25:53, YouTube, Published on Mar 29, 2012. FMH NICU and Pediatric Respiratory Care Specialist Dave Delauter explains the proper use of a BiPAP machine.