In addition to the two links below, please see Additional Resources below [These additional links are all quick reviews and in a sense can be used as checklists].
The Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne has this outstanding, easy to review guideline: The Limping or non-weight bearing Child. This link can be used as a checklist to be sure that you have considered all the possibilities.
Emergency Medicine Cases podcasts has an outstanding two hour podcast seminar – Episode 35: Pediatric Orthopedics Pearls and Pitfalls [The link is to the podcast and the podcast notes]. The section on the limping child runs from 19:20 to 1:04:00. And be sure and review and download the incredibly good pdf notes for this podcast!
Dr. Sanjay Mehta & Dr. Jonathan Pirie, two experienced Pediatric EM docs from The Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto discuss their approach to a variety of common, occult, challenging and easy to miss pediatric orthopedics diagnoses including: differentiating Septic Arthritis from Transient Synovitis of the hip, Toddler’s Fracture, Tillaux Fracture, Suprachondylar Fracture, ACL tear, tibial spine & Segond fractures. They also debate the value of the Ottawa Knee Rules in kids, non-accidental trauma, pediatric orthopedic pain management, the evidence for the best management of Buckle, Greenstick, Salter 1 and 2 distal radius fractures and lateral malleolus fractures.
Pediatric Hip Pain: Pediatric Hip Pain: Septic Arthritis, Transient Septic Arthritis, Transient Synovitis, and Osteomyelitis Synovitis, and Osteomyelitis. [Link is to a complete PDF slide presentation that is outstanding and is a quick review.] Benjamin Easter, MS III Benjamin Easter, MS III, Gillian Lieberman, MD. Core Radiology Clerkship, BIDMC Core Radiology Clerkship, BIDMC November 16, 2009
Pediatric Septic Arthritis from
Author: Richard J Scarfone, MD. Updated: Jul 23, 2015
Transient Synovitis from Updated: Oct 11, 2015
Author: Christine C Whitelaw
Toddler’s Fracture from Pediatric EM Morsels – Pediatric Emergency Medicine Education