The following are resources on how to prescribe (dispense) hearing aids.
Fitting and Dispensing Hearing Aids. 2011. Brian Taylor, AuD, H. Gustav Mueller, PhD Details: 464 pages, Illustrated (B/W), Softcover, 7 x 10″ ISBN13: 978-1-59756-347-5. This book is very well reviewed on Amazon and is $74.
Hearing Aid Dispensing Training Manual, Paperback – November 6, 2013. by Suzanne Krumenacker. This book is also very well reviewed on Amazon and is $99.00.
Adult Audiology Casebook Paperback – December 19, 2014. “Adult Audiology Casebook is a compendium of key clinical cases designed to help clinicians develop the critical thinking skills necessary to successfully diagnose and treat patients. ” No reviews.
The Audiogram Workbook Paperback – July 1, 1997. The book is well reviewed on Amazon but there is a one star review that states there are serious errors in the book pertaining especially to masking. The cost is $24.89. “The Audiogram Workbook – the first guide to provide comprehensive practice in the administration of audiograms – lets the student work through more than 100 clinical cases covering a full range of audiologic disorders. Each exercise is structured to allow the student to write in his or her own clinical evaluation based on presenting symptoms and audiometric test results – and then compare the results to the examiner’s real case summary.”
Hearing Aid Dispensing (the query to YouTube was “hearing aid dispenser training“) acessed 11-19-2014
YouTube video promoting an online course: Hearing Aid Academy | Become A Hearing Aid Specialist, March 13, 2013 from The Hearing Aid Academy, LLC.
See the article HEARING AID ACADEMY OPENS ITS DOORS August 2009 – Volume 62 – Issue 8 from the Hearing Journal, The Most Respected Publication In Hearing Healthcare: The article states the total cost is around $16,000 [This is way too much, I would urge anyone who wants to learn hearing aid dispensing to explore much less expensive alternatives]. There are other schools available and named in the article (need to check those). The school is also pitching eye care practioners to add hearing aid dispensing to their repertoire.