The BioAid Smart Phone Hearing Aid App is a free iphone app developed at the University of Essex. Go to BioAid Testimonials. This page has a link to the itunes app store where the free download is. There are also many other resource links on this page.
On this post, there are two YouTube videos explaining the BioAid app.
The first video is a brief explanation of the app.
The second is a 40 minute talk on how the software works. I think physicians and audiologists will really enjoy this video–it is worth the time.
There is currently no BioAid app for android phones because of issues of prolonged output latency on the android platform. The developer on the FAQ page states that when that problem is fixed in the android software, they will consider developing an android version.
Professor Ray Meddis talks about BioAid, a revolutionary new type of hearing aid on your iPhone, YouTube. March 28, 2013, 4:17. “BioAid is a revolutionary new type of hearing aid that has been inspired by the way the human ear works. It puts the user in control, is available to anyone, anywhere without the need for a hearing test, and potentially holds the key to a future where tiny, phone-based hearing aids can be dispensed and adjusted remotely.”
“A transcript of this video is available at:”
BioAid technical talk, YouTube Video. Published Jan 30, 2013; 42:02. “BioAid is a novel hearing aid algorithm. This talk discusses some of the technical details behind the BioAid project. A free implementation of the algorithm can be downloaded on the app store.”
“The app turns your iOS device into a hearing aid by processing sound from the microphone, then delivering the processed sound over headphones in real time.”
“For more technical discussion see the articles at:”
BioAid Testimonials. This page has a link to the itunes app store where the free download is. There are also many other resource links on this page.