I only made this slide list so that I could quickly review EEACC # 8 Pediatric Considerations. (This is the direct link to this video on Vimeo –You need to watch the video more than once). Yes, the correct spelling is paediatric (British spelling) as the video is titled that way.
And be sure to watch all the videos and read all the references in Dr. Brainard’s References for this video (they really are a part of the course). Click here to go to the clickable references.
And Dr. Brainard strongly recommends viewing Dr. Reuben Strayer’s video, 12 minute screencast: pediatric airway for emergency physicians who are not also pediatricians,
May 24th, 2011. This video is as outstanding as Dr. Brainard says.
Clickable References:
12 minute screencast: pediatric airway for emergency physicians who are not also pediatricians, Dr. Reuben Strayer
Advanced Pediatric Airway Management – Updates and Controversies. I was unable to find this link.
Advanced airway management. [Abstract]
Nagler, Joshua; Bachur, Richard G
Current Opinion in Pediatrics. 21(3):299-305, June 2009
Newer agents for rapid sequence intubation: etomidate and rocuronium. [PubMed Abstract] Ching KY1, Baum CR. Pediatr Emerg Care. 2009 Mar;25(3):200-7; quiz 208-10. doi: 10.1097/PEC.0b013e31819a8bbf.
Paediatric Difficult Airway Guidelines [This link is to the download page for all the Guidelines from the The Difficult Airway Society]. Here are links to the individual PDF paedatric guidelines:
Cannot intubate and cannot ventilate (CICV) in a paralyzed anaesthetized child aged 1 to 8 years. [PDF]