An E-Book On Rapid Sequence Intubation

As I remind anyone who happens across this blog, the blog is my peripheral brain for medical subjects I have reviewed.

Because airway management is the single most important skill (along with Basic Life Support) that a physician, nurse, or any medical professional needs to master, there are number of posts on the subject filed under Airway Management. For a complete list simply click on Airway Management in the Category List.

And the ability to know when and how to perform rapid sequence intubation is also a critical part of airway management, so there are a number of posts on that subject. Simply type in “Rapid Sequence Intubation” for a list of posts on this topic.

The following free online e-book is an outstanding quick review of rapid sequence intubation.

Rapid Sequence Intubation Course Manual, 2014. Vermont Statewide Emergency Medical Services Protocols [Full Text PDF]. This is a good complete review of RSI in adults. It is addressed to paramedics but is useful for any physician or nurse practioner who is responsible for defintive airway care.


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