Links To The British Society Of Echocardiography Protocols And Guidelines

In this post I link to and list the Protocols and Guidelines of the British Society Of Echocardiography:

About our protocols and guidelines

The Education Committee publishes a number of protocols and guidelines each year, carefully compiled through the joint efforts and feedback from our members and non-members alike; echocardiography professionals, patients, practitioners from primary care, and other specialties. We are hugely appreciative of the ongoing efforts of our community and Guideline Committee in helping create these protocols and guidelines.

Our guidelines are rooted in best practice, and focus on areas where there is clinical ambiguity and the greatest opportunity for impact. Clinical guidelines help to support evidence-based practice in echocardiography, and all guidelines can be found in the ECHO journal.

Similarly, our protocols help establish step-by-step procedures for performing roles within the echocardiography field, offering an advanced resource that can be beneficial across the board. Our protocols present minimum datasets for newly presenting patients, views and measurements needed for comprehensive studies in a variety of pathologies. They have been formatted to include text, images and video clips, making them much more engaging and efficient to absorb.

Protocols and guidelines


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