Two Awesome Resources On Advanced CPR – An EMCrit Podcast And A scanFOAM YouTube Video

I just reviewed two excellent resources on Advanced CPR:

I’ve embedded the podcast “Episode 244: Incredibly Important Wrinkles to Titrated Vasopressors during CPR in Cardiac Arrest [This link is to the show notes which you must review]. April 15, 2019 by Dr.Scott Weingart from EMCrit.

Podcast of Episode 244: Incredibly Important Wrinkles to Titrated Vasopressors during CPR in Cardiac Arrest:

And here is the excellent YouTube video, Hemodynamics during mechanical CPR [Link is to the show notes and the vidcast and slides download],
28 Mar, 2019, from scanFOAM. Here is the Synopsis:

Per-Olav Berve is a Norwegian anaesthesiologist who works for the Oslo air ambulance and in-hospital at the Oslo University Hospital. He is currently wrapping up a PhD on CPR physiology, focusing on multimodal monitoring. His main project is a OHCA study on mechanical active compression-decompression CPR.

Tailored or targeted CPR and resuscitation is a very popular concept with a lot of traction currently. In this talk from The Big Sick in Zermatt in 2018, Per details insights from his research that cautions us when choosing targets to titrate to. There’s more to the eye than sheer numbers, it turns out. Learn how your pattern recognition abilities may beat any monitor on the market.

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