What To Do If You Are Concerned That You May Have A Problem With Your Memory Or Your Thinking

What should you do if you are concerned that you may have a problem with your memory or with your thinking?

It is important that you take steps to see if you have a problem.

You might have early Mild Cognitive Impairment or Early Dementia.

And often you will be found to just have normal forgetfulness which does not lead to Mild Cognitive Impairment or to Dementia.

Your doctor can perform tests for the above mental problems or refer you to another clinician for testing.

The reason that you need to be checked is because if you have Mild Cognitive Disorder or early Dementia, there may be treatments that can prevent progression or even reverse the damage.

If you lived in Gainsville, for example, I would recommend that you make an appointment for a memory and thinking evaluation at the UF Health* Neurology – Neuromedicine Hospital.**

*UF Health-University Of Florida Health **UF Health Neurology – Neuromedicine Hospital. APPOINTMENT:

1505 SW Archer Road
Gainesville, FL 32608

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