Zoll Life Vest Ad Link

Saw this ad while visiting an ACC website. I put the link and text in just so I could listen to the video while I’m driving:

ZOLL LifeVest
Protect Patients from SCD During Medical Optimization

LifeVest provides SCD protection during medical optimization and while patients await an ICD or reverse remodeling

While new HF drug therapies, such as sacubitril/valsartan, have become increasingly effective, it still takes time for patients to reach optimal doses that can positively impact their SCD risk.

In the PARADIGM-HF trial, sacubitril/valsartan did not impart meaningful mortality benefit until patients tolerated a 6–8 week run-in period and 6 months of treatment.2

During prolonged protection with LifeVest, additional reverse remodeling has been achieved with intensified drug therapy, avoiding unnecessary ICD implantation.

Watch the video by Kelly C. McCants, MD, Medical Director of Advanced Heart Failure, Norton Heart And Vascular Institute

Dr. Kelly McCants discusses how LifeVest patient Data supports remote management of de novo HFrEF


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