A Review Of Some Resources On The Recognition And Treatment of Submassive And Massive Pulmonary Embolus

Today, I’m reviewing some resources on the recognition and treatment of submassive and massive pulmonary embolus.

Two days ago, I reviewed and posted the links to EMCrit 272 – Right Heart Failure With Dr. Sara Crager* [Link is to the podcast, show notes, and slides], April 29, 2020 from Dr. Scott Weingart of EMCrit. Her lecture and slides are simply outstanding.

Dr. Crager clearly explains the pathophysiology of RV failure.* Her clear explanations then segues into an outstanding checklist of how to recognize and treat RV failure.

*For an excellent brief discussion of all the causes of  and  diagnoses of right ventricular failure, see Right ventricular failure, Vol. 14, N° 32 – 12 Dec 2016, e-Journal of Cardiology Practice.**

**The e-Journal of Cardiology Practice is an outstanding source of brief open access articles on every aspect of cardiology.

Today, I’m reviewing my previous posts on pulmonary embolus (I’ll be reviewing other  causes of RV failure in an upcoming post).

Here is a list of the resources I reviewed today:*

*Sometimes I  link to my posts, rather than to the resources directly, because my posts often have summaries which I made for my own use. And each of my posts has the direct link.



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