An Ecommerce Site Marketing Products For Those on A Low Carbohydrate Ketogenic Diet

Although this blog is mostly for my medical study notes, I do also cover other topics. In addition to my medical practice, I have been active in ecommerce for many years.

So when I come across a health related website business, I will visit and evaluate it.

Today I saw an interesting site, Perfect Keto, advertised in a banner ad. The ad was an offer for “keto products” (products that someone on a low carbohydrate ketogenic diet might find helpful).

So when I went to the home page, I found that it was a well done sales page for keto products.

This post is in no way an endorsement of the site, its advice, or its products. Rather this post simply an example for my new ecommerce clients of an excellently designed ecommerce site.

The site is worth investigating as a case study in ecommerce.

The site has Guides, Products, Recipes, Blog, Podcast, and an Affiliate Program.

Every ecommerce site should consider having all of those departments. So study the website.

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