Blunt Trauma Part I From Dr Weingart And EMCrit 278

In this post I link to and excerpt from Dr. Weingart’s outstanding podcast, vodcast, and show notes EMCrit 278 – Labors of Trauma – Blunt Edition (Part 1). by Dr .

Dr Weingart introduces the episode:

After reviewing many recordings of major trauma resuscitations, I have come to the conclusion that we are not training our learners on how to perform as a Trauma Team Leader (TTL). They are forced to extrapolate from ATLS, a course never designed for a team at a Level I trauma center. Trauma resuscitations as opposed to medical are a bounded reality. Both the time in the bay and the menu of options are limited–the complete list could be delineated and therefore available for novice TTLs. For a few weeks, I set out to do exactly that. I then sent it out to Chris Hicks (@humanfact0rz) for peer review. His feedback was so good, that I asked him to co-author this project with me. If the response to this project is positive, we will work on the penetrating edition as well.

And here are excerpts from Dr. Weingart’s show notes, vidcast, and podcast of #278 Blunt Trauma, Part I:

Blue=cognitive tasks for the TTL

Red=TTL must assign to a subteam (operational)

Solid=always happens in every trauma

Dotted=May happen based on patient injuries or severity

I’ve embedded both the vodcast and the podcast:

Here is the Podcast. It is just as good as the vodcast if you follow along with Dr. Weingart’s show notes for #278 and it will use a lot less data [I think] than the vodcast if you are on your phone and not using wi-fi.



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