This is a very sad case of a two week old newborn who required infant cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). Despite outstanding efforts by the emergency medicine team, the infant did not survive. Dr. Mellik posted this case, I believe, because watching it, as sad as it is, can help us perform infant CPR correctly. In the video we see two intraosseous lines placed with a discussion of the placements. Medications are reviewed. Blood gases are reviewed. We see a metronome used to help insure the correct cardiac compression rate.
So click on Infant Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation to review this video on YouTube.
Because of the newborn’s age, two weeks old, emergency umbilical vein catheterization was not an option as it is for newborns requiring intravenous resuscitation in the delivery room.
To review the emergency umbilical vein catheterization procedure, please see the post Emergency Umbilical Vein Catheterization for Newborns—An Outstanding Video Resource. This is an embedded YouTube video made by the Indiana University Department of Pediatrics. It details the three by three method of putting in an emergency umblical vein catheter in the delivery room. The post also has a written summary of the three by three method for quick review.