Quick Review 1 – Links To 5 PedsCases Notes (Infographics)

Note to myself: Each PedsCases Note [Link is to the complete list of PedsCases Notes. There are currently twenty-five] can effectively serve as a checklist just like the  two page checklists of the Resuscitation Crisis Manual.

PedsCases is a great podcast and learning site.

PedsCases Notes are one page infographics on an important pediatric topic.

I’ve previously posted links to some of the notes but I’m going to start my review over.

I’ll be linking to 5 notes (infographics) at a time and will review them on the day of the post.

So here is Quick Review 1:


Author: Katharine.Jensen

Published: Nov 04, 2020

This PedsCases Note provides a one-page infographic on the management of meningitis. It reviews clinical presentation, key findings on investigations, and an overall management plan.

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 Neonatal Sepsis

Author: Katharine.Jensen

Published: Oct 22, 2020

This PedsCases Note provides a one-page infographic on Neonatal Sepsis. It reviews key ideas for the work-up and management for sepsis in infants.

 Febrile Neutropenia

Author: Katharine.Jensen

Published: Oct 11, 2020

This PedsCases Note provides a one-page infographic on Febrile Neutropenia. It reviews key findings on history and physical exam, as well as showing a management algorithm for febrile neutropenia in cancer patients.

 Acute Abdominal Pain

Author: Katharine.Jensen

Published: Oct 03, 2020

This PedsCases Note provides a two-page infographic on acute abdominal pain. It gives an overview of what to look for on history and physical exam, along with differential diagnoses based on age groups. An evaluation and diagnostic algorithm is also included for easy use on the wards.

 Contraception Care for Youth

Author: Katharine.Jensen

Published: Sep 22, 2020

This PedsCases Note provides a one-page infographic on providing contraception care in youth. It provides a visual overview of recommended options for contraception, along with tips for counseling patients.

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