“Situational Awareness [And Early Detection Of Pediatric] Clinical Deterioration Lecture From CHOP

This post is simply a link to the lecture and slides of Situational Awareness [And Early Detection Of] Clinical Deterioration from The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP). The lecture and slides are okay but I don’t think they are worth reviewing. They are really just a discussion of Rapid Response Teams.

It is the additional resources below about how to recognize pediatric clinical deterioration at the earliest possible time which are most valuable and I’ve made a separate post about them.

There are links in Additional Resources to more about the above topic.

Here is the link to The Clinical Pathways Library [a comprehensive list of the clinical pathways at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP)].

For a complete list of the outstanding pediatric FOAM courses from the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, please see CHOP Open-access Medical Education.

Additional Resources:

(1) Clinical Guidelines (Nursing): Observation and Continuous Monitoring from The Royal Children’s Hospital of Melbourne.

(2) Clinical Practice Guidelines: Normal Ranges For Physiologic Variables  from The Royal Children’s Hospital of Melbourne.

(3) Victorian Children’s Tool For Observation and Response (VICTOR) – ViCTOR charts & folders

Educational resources

Videos to support the implementation of ViCTOR charts can be found here

Videos describing how to take paediatric observations can be found here

(4) Deteriorating Patients: Escalation of Care from The Royal Children’s Hospital of Melbourne. The link is to two page resource on when to call for a rapid response team.


This entry was posted in CHOP, Family Medicine, Pediatric Clinical Pathways, Pediatric Emergency Medicine, Pediatric Vital Signs, Pediatrics. Bookmark the permalink.