“Acyanotic Congenital Heart Lesions – Part 2” From PedsCases – Outflow Tract Obstructions

Another great podcast from PedsCasesAcyanotic Congenital Heart Lesions – Part 2 by  by herman.bami May 04, 2018. [Link to the podcast] [Link to the transcript].

*Here is the complete list of the Table Of Contents of the PedsCases website. On this page the site has organized all of the contents into two groups: Clinical Presentation and Specialty Area.

Here are excerpts from the transcript:

In the [this] podcast, we will discuss the second category of acyanotic heart lesions: outflow tract obstructions.

The first category of acyanotic heart lesions are left to right shunts.

Our last podcast discussed the definition of congenital heart disease, how it is classified and the first of two types of acyanotic congenital heart lesions: left-to-right shunts. If you have any questions about those, or simply want to refresh your memory, please feel free torevisit that podcast.

In this podcast, we will be going through the second category of
acyanotic congenital heart disease: outflow tract obstructions.

Pulmonary Stenosis

Let’s start now with the first type of outflow tract obstructions. Pulmonary stenosis accounts for approximately 10 to 15% of all congenital heart disease and can be further subclassified based on location into: valvular, subvalvular and supravalvular stenosis1-2.

Clinically, mild pulmonary stenosis is often asymptomatic but moderate to severe stenosis can manifest in exertional dyspnea as well as easy fatigability. Severe stenosis in the newborn can also cause cyanosis due to right-to-left shunting at the level of the atria.

Mild stenosis will often be undetectable via ECG and X-ray. However, moderate to severe stenosis may cause right axis deviation and right ventricular hypertrophy.

Echocardiography provides the most information, especially in terms of the site and severity of stenosis, valvular morphology and degree of right ventricular hypertrophy.

Aortic Stenosis

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